Assistant Professor Wentao Wang
Keywords:Asphalt pavement, structural dynamic response, moisture damage
Wentao Wang is a postdoctoral researcher who works in the field of road engineering. He received the PhD degree in Civil Engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) in 2020. Prior to that, he earned the master’s degree of Transportation Engineering in 2015 and the B.A. degree of Road & Bridge Engineering in 2013 from Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT). Now he works as a research assistant at National Center for Materials Service Safety (NCMS) of USTB. His research interests include but are not limited to structural dynamic response of asphalt pavement considering multi-field coupling factors by means of numerical simulation and full-scale field test, service performance evaluation on asphalt mixture, and mechanisms of moisture damage for asphalt materials induced by dynamic pore water pressure environment.
● Main Projects
Beijing Science and Technology Program. Study on service safety evaluation for urban drainage pipe, No. Z191100008019002, 202001-202112, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, 5 million RMB.
● Main contributions
1.We conducted a comprehensive research on structural dynamic response of asphalt pavement under both dry and saturated conditions by means of numerical simulation and full-scale accelerated loading test. Variations of stress, strain and dynamic pore water pressure with vehicle load and speed were characterized. The transverse field distribution of dynamic pore water pressure was investigated, while a prediction model was also proposed.
2.The environment of dynamic pore water pressure obviously scours fine aggregate away from asphalt mixture. We thus systematically evaluated moisture sensitivity for asphalt mixture and its components of fine asphalt mixture and asphalt binder using the bending beam rheometer method at the same scale. The importance of the component of fine asphalt mixture was found to greatly affect the moisture sensitivity of the entire asphalt mixture.
● Publications
1. Wang, W., Luo, R., Yan, G., and Wang, L. (2020). “Evaluation on moisture sensitivity induced by dynamic pore water pressure for asphalt mixture and its components using the bending beam rheometer method.” Constr. Build. Mater., 251, 118942.
2. Wang, W., Wang, L., Yan, G., and Zhou, B. (2020). “Evaluation on moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixture induced by dynamic pore water pressure.” Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol., 13, 489-496.
3. Wang, W., Wang, L., Miao, Y., Cheng, C., and Chen, S. (2020). “A survey on the influence of intense rainfall induced by climate warming on operation safety and service life of urban asphalt pavement.” Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 1: 4.
4. Wang, W., Wang, L., Xiong, H., and Luo, R. (2019). “A review and perspective for research on moisture damage in asphalt pavement induced by dynamic pore water pressure.” Constr. Build. Mater., 204, 631-642.
5. Wang, W., Tu, C., and Luo, R. (2018). “Numerical simulation of compaction parameters for sand-filled embankment using large thickness sand filling technique in Jianghan plain district.” Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 12(4), 568-576.
6. Yan, G., Wang, L., Ye, Z., and Wang, W. (2020). “Effects of crack damage on acceleration response of asphalt pavement via numerical analysis.” J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 32(7): 04020163.
7. Yan, G., Ye, Z., Wang, W., and Wang, L. (2021). “Numerical analysis on distribution and response of acceleration field of pavement under moving load.” Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol., 14, 519-529.
● Patents
1. Wang, W., Wang, L., Yang, H., and Sun, F. A wheel tracking test system to provide dynamic pore water pressure environment of asphalt mixture [P]. CN: 201920354147.9, 2019-12-03. (Authorized utility model)
2. Wang, W., Wang, L., and Guo, M. A conditioning system to provide dynamic pore water pressure environment for asphalt mixture [P]. CN: 201721648906.X, 2018-12-11. (Authorized utility model)
3. Wang, L., Wang, W., and Guo, M. A multi-functional dynamic water scouring test device for asphalt mixture [P]. CN: 201720180701.7, 2017-09-05. (Authorized utility model)
4. Luo, R., Wang, W., Li, L., et al. Method for preventing wheels of sand filling construction machinery from being trapped[P]. CN: 201610121070.1, 2018-06-08. (Authorized invention)
5. Luo, R., Wang, W., Li, L., et al. Large-thickness sand filling construction technology for embankment [P]. CN: 201610120669.3, 2018-06-08. (Authorized invention)